Supporting Missionaries When You’re Broke

You may not have much money to spare, but you’re still passionate about missions and want to support missionaries any way you can. What can you do?


5 Creative Ways to Support Missionaries

You may not have a ton of money to spare, but you’re still passionate about missions and want to support missionaries in any way you can.

There is a value in giving financially even when we have just a little. God honors that. Trust Him to provide for you. But even when you’re broke, here are five tips on how to support missionaries in other ways.

1. Pray for them. Really pray.

When the missionary you love sends you an update with prayer requests, don’t just take time to pray right then. Do that. But also schedule an intentional time to pray for them, their family, ministry and any other requests. Be sure to let them know you’re praying, too, and maybe what you are praying or when you are praying. This can be a huge encouragement.

2. Remember important dates.

You might not be able to send care packages or international mail, but you can send an email or text! Keep track of their birthdays, anniversaries (including milestones like how long they have been in their place of service). Reach out during the holidays to let them know you’re thinking of them. When they mention calendar dates in their newsletters, write those down so you will remember to pray and ask how things went. Doing this is a huge way to love and support your missionary.

3. Ask the right questions.

When missionaries are visiting the U.S. or their home city again, it can often lead to awkward interactions as you try to figure out to say or ask. Questions like, “How are you adjusting?” or “What are you excited about right now?” or “What have you been learning?” allow them to share without having to be educators of culture or pretend things are incredible. Some questions can be too broad and overwhelming, though. Really, just being interested and willing to listen without distraction is a blessing.

4. Babysit for them.

If your missionary has kids, offer to babysit for them for free! Especially if they aren’t as familiar with people in the town anymore or don’t have family nearby, this can be a great help. Often others are free to meet up or want the missionary to speak in the evenings, and that gets dicey for those with kids in tow. Offer to lighten their load by watching their kids.

5. Be a friend.

More than anything, be a friend to them. Joke with them, go out to eat with them or send them funny posts and updates. Going overseas and coming home bring many adjustments. Some expect missionaries to be superhuman and think they should have thriving ministries a few weeks in when they may need to spend years just learning language. Give them space to be real and not have pretend.

Don’t have much money? You still have a lot to offer as a sender. Share these five tips with someone else who should hear them.

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